Communicating with Whales - Phần 1

Thể hiện : Diệu Hoa
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Chào các thính giả yêu mến của chương trình Học Tiếng Anh qua các chủ đề của chương trình học tiếng anh cùng Radiome. Mình là Diệu Hoa.
Chủ đề nghe Tiếng Anh của chúng ta ngày hôm nay có tựa đề là: Communicating with Whales có nghĩa là giao tiếp với cá voi. 
Vì bài nghe khá dài nên mình sẽ tách làm hai phần để các bạn dễ dàng theo dõi hơn nhé!
Các bạn cùng chú ý lắng nghe với tiết tấu chậm rãi của chương trình Spotlight nhé. Note lại những từ bạn nghe chưa rõ và xem lại ở bản text để làm phong phú thêm vốn từ vựng của mình nhé!
Voice 1
Welcome to Spotlight program. I’m Liz Waid.
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And I’m Nick Page. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting.  It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
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Today’s Spotlight is on talking to . . . animals!
Some people may think this is a strange idea.  Speaking to animals almost seems a little silly or foolish.  And it does not seem possible!  But if you think talking to animals is interesting, you should meet a man from the United States named Gary Buttery.
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Buttery is a teacher and musical performer. He plays the tuba. This large instrument plays very low notes. Buttery has played the tuba for many years. He has performed all over the world from Italy to Canada to Russia. He has even performed for several Presidents of the United States.
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Buttery enjoys making beautiful music with his tuba. He is an expert in playing, writing, and teaching music, and directing music groups. But he also enjoys listening to beautiful music. This is what interested Buttery in humpback whales. When Buttery was a young man he heard about Humpback whales. They sing beautiful songs under the water.

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Humpback whales live deep under the ocean water in all parts of the world. These black, grey, and blue animals can weigh more than 36,000 kilograms.  And humpback whales can be 12 to 16 meters long.
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But humpback whales are the most famous for their singing. Male humpback whales can sing long and complex songs. These songs can even last from ten to 20 minutes. Many people consider the songs of the humpback whale to be some of the most beautiful in the world. Humpback whale songs change from year to year. And they also change from place to place. Whales living in a group often sing the same song.  Here is the song of one humpback whale.
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No one knows exactly why humpback whales sing. Some experts believe whales sing to find a mate. Or, a singing whale may just be trying to find another whale. Experts continue to study humpback whale songs. They hope that studying these songs can help people understand how whales communicate.
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Gary Buttery heard about the experts who study these humpback whale songs. And he listened to some of the whale songs they had recorded. The songs were extremely interesting to him. He decided that he wanted to do something very unusual - he wanted to write music with these whales. How did Buttery write music for a whale? With his tuba!
Voice 2
Buttery wrote this piece of music called “Conversations with Grace.”  He used a recording of a humpback whale named Grace. He listened to Grace singing a song. Then he wrote music for his tuba to go with the song.  When he played the tuba part, it sounded like he was talking to Grace.  Here is a part of that piece of music.
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This is more than just a piece of music. It is like a man and an animal are talking. It is a special effort to create something beautiful. Gary and Grace cannot understand each other. But this effort of communication is beautiful to many people.
Voice 2
Buttery performed this song for many people all across the United States. A newspaper even wrote a story about it. Doctor Peter Beamish saw this newspaper story. Doctor Beamish worked with whales in Newfoundland in Canada. He wanted to know how real whales would react to Buttery’s tuba playing.  Would Buttery be able to communicate with them? Would the whales become angry or calm? Would the whales listen to him? Or would they swim away?
Phần 1 của bài nghe hôm nay tạm dừng ở đây. Các bạn chú ý và theo dõi phần 2 ở những bài học tiếp sau nhé! Cảm ơn các bạn.

Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

Making Things Again - Phần 1

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

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Never Alone: A Cultural Video Game - Phần 1

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

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