Never Alone: A Cultural Video Game - Phần 2

Thể hiện : Diệu Hoa
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Chào các thính giả yêu mến của chương trình Học Tiếng Anh qua các chủ đề của chương trình học tiếng anh cùng Radiome. Mình là Diệu Hoa.
Chủ đề bài học Never Alone: A Cultural Video Game vẫn đang tiếp tục ngay sau đây. Chúng ta cùng theo dõi luôn nhé! 
Các bạn cùng chú ý lắng nghe với tiết tấu nhẹ nhàng của chương trình Spotlight. Hãy ghi lại những từ bạn nghe chưa rõ và xem lại ở bản text để bổ sung thêm vốn từ vựng phong phú của mình nhé!

Voice 1 
But Never Alone is not just educational. It is also fun! It is a platformer game. Gamers move Nuna or Fox up and down different platforms or levels. They jump from platforms such as clouds, mountains of ice and wooden buildings. They have to solve questions and problems to keep moving. In the game, Nuna uses a weapon called a ‘bola’. The bola looks like a stick. It is a traditional wood weapon. She can throw or spin the bola to protect herself and Fox.

Voice 2 
The Cook Inlet Tribal Council and Sean Vesce wanted to be sure that the Iñupiat people thought it showed their culture correctly. They also wanted local people’s opinions on playing the game. So they tested the game in Iñupiat communities. Vesce told NPR about their good results:
Voice 3 
“Our trips to Alaska really changed us as game developers. We went to a school with an early version of the game, that kids could play. Kids were really excited. You could see their body language; they were leaning forward. They had a lot of great ideas about what we should include and what we should be careful about.”
Voice 1 
Soon afterwards, the game was launched. People all over the world could now play Never Alone. It won many awards. And many gamers gave Never Alone good reviews. They said it is beautifully designed and interesting to play. But the game is also reaching its goal of connecting people to traditional culture. Daniel Starkey wrote a review of Never Alone for the website Eurogamer. Starkey is a Native American. He wrote about how powerful it felt to play an indigenous game:
Voice 5 
“I have learned this belief inside of me that there is no point in trying to keep traditions alive. I feel that in a few generations they will be lost, no matter what I do. Never Alone is different. The fact that it exists challenges me. It does not make me feel sorry for myself. It stands against everything that I have grown to be. It tells me to be better, and it also shows me how.”
Voice 2 
Amy Freeden works with the Cook Inlet Tribal Council. She says that reviews like this make her cry with happiness. The Iñupiat way of life may change, but the stories of their people will always be real and important. As Freeden told Eurogamer:
Voice 6 
“This is a new way of storytelling for our people. Storytelling has been this important tool for Alaska Natives to pass on wisdom to the next generation. Before Western influence we did not have written language. It was all a spoken tradition. We had storytelling and this artform called scrimshaw - the art of drawing stories on animal bones. Never Alone brought these to life on screen. It was completely emotionally moving. These are our stories, presented in a new way.”
Voice 1 
The writer of this program was Rena Dam. The producer was Bruce Gulland. The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at This program is called, ‘Never Alone: A Cultural Video Game.’
Voice 2 
Tell us what you think about today's program. You can leave a comment on our website. Or email us at And find us on Facebook - just search for Spotlight Radio. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.

Bài nghe đến đây là hết rồi. Chúc các bạn học vui và đừng quên theo dõi những bài tiếp để ủng hộ chương trình nhé! Cảm ơn các bạn! See you later!

Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

Never Alone: A Cultural Video Game - Phần 2

Chủ đề bài học Never Alone: A Cultural Video Game vẫn đang tiếp tục ngay sau đây. Chúng ta cùng theo dõi luôn nhé! 

Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

Never Alone: A Cultural Video Game - Phần 1

Đến với bài học ngày hôm nay, để giúp các bạn nâng cao khả năng nghe hiểu bao gồm từ vựng, cấu trúc câu và giọng địa phương, chúng ta cùng đến với chủ đề hấp dẫn ngày hôm nay. Đó chính là: Never Alone: A Cultural Video Game.

Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

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