Saying Sorry - Phần 1

Thể hiện : Diệu Hoa
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Chào các thính giả yêu mến của chương trình Học Tiếng Anh qua các chủ đề của chương trình học tiếng anh cùng Radiome. Mình là Diệu Hoa.
Chủ đề nghe Tiếng Anh của chúng ta ngày hôm nay có tựa đề là: Saying Sorry có nghĩa là nói lời xin lỗi. 
Vì bài nghe khá dài nên mình sẽ tách làm hai phần để các bạn dễ dàng theo dõi hơn nhé!
Các bạn cùng chú ý lắng nghe với tiết tấu chậm rãi của chương trình Spotlight nhé. Note lại những từ bạn nghe chưa rõ và xem lại ở bản text để làm phong phú thêm vốn từ vựng của mình nhé!
Voice 1  
Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Colin Lowther.
Voice 2  
And I’m Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 1  
Have you ever agreed to meet a friend for a meal? Imagine this. You arrived early and got a good table. You waited. And waited. Now she is almost 30 minutes late. You begin to worry. What if something happened? What if she is hurt and needs help? You send her a message asking if everything is ok. She says that everything is fine. You ask if she is going to be there soon. She messages back, “I forgot!”

Voice 2  
You sit there for a minute. You do not feel good about what happened. But what can you say? Anyone can forget a meeting. What really makes you angry is that your friend did not say “I am sorry.” Today’s Spotlight is on when, why, and how people say, “I am sorry.”
Voice 1  
People apologize in many different ways and for different reasons. Some people say “sorry” more often than other people. And saying sorry is also cultural. People in some cultures apologize more than people in different cultures. For example, many people believe that people from Canada apologize more often than people from the United States. And people from Britain and Japan apologize a lot each day. In fact, in Japan, there are over 20 different ways to apologize.
Voice 2  
People say “I am sorry” for many different reasons. Some people will say it if they walk into you on the street.
“Oops! Sorry!”
Voice 1  
Other people will say it after they say or do something that is not nice.
“I’m sorry.”
Voice 2  
People say sorry if they need your help.
“Sorry, can you help me?”
Voice 1  
Or they may say sorry when something bad happened to another person - even if they had nothing to do with it.
“I am sorry that happened to you.”
Voice 2  
People even say “I’m sorry” about the weather!
“Sorry it’s so cold today!”
Voice 1  
In many of these cases, saying sorry is easy. But what if you hurt someone you love? Why is it sometimes so difficult to say? Telling someone, “I am sorry” should be easy. It is just words! It does not cost any money. It does not require great skill or education. Then why can it be so difficult to do?
Voice 2  
People find all sorts of reasons to avoid saying “I am sorry”. They justify what they did. That is, they explain how it was the best thing to do. Sometimes a person who should say sorry only sees what the other person did. They point out what that person did wrong. People do this because saying that you are sorry means admitting that you hurt someone else. People do not like to feel guilty.
Voice 1  
But telling someone “I am sorry” is an important step in fixing relationships. Aaron Lazare is a psychiatrist who studied what an apology - saying sorry - can do. In an article for Psychology Today he wrote,
Voice 3  
“I am always amazed by how many of my friends and patients of all kinds hold on to anger for years. It cuts through their own lives and the lives of family and friends. So many of these things could have been avoided or healed with a real apology.”
Voice 2  
But what is a real apology? Many experts say there is more to a good apology than just saying the words “I am sorry”. There are several steps. The first step is to admit that you did something wrong. Be clear, not general. Name what you did. For example, do not say, “I am sorry I hurt you.” Instead, say, “I am sorry that I broke your glasses.”

Phần 1 của bài nghe hôm nay tạm dừng ở đây. Các bạn chú ý và theo dõi phần 2 ở những bài học tiếp sau nhé! Cảm ơn các bạn.

Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

Global Peace Index - Phần 1

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

Global Peace Index - Phần 2

Chủ đề bài học  Global Peace Index vẫn đang tiếp tục ngay sau đây. Chúng ta cùng theo dõi luôn nhé! 

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

Making Things Again - Phần 1

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

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Never Alone: A Cultural Video Game - Phần 1

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

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