I Am Congo: Stories of Hope - Phần 2

Thể hiện : Diệu Hoa
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Chào các thính giả yêu mến của chương trình Học Tiếng Anh qua các chủ đề của chương trình học tiếng anh cùng Radiome. Mình là Diệu Hoa.
Hôm nay chúng ta cùng theo dõi tiếp Phần 2 của bài nghe I Am Congo: Stories of Hope nhé!
Các bạn cùng chú ý lắng nghe với tiết tấu chậm rãi của chương trình Spotlight nhé. Note lại những từ bạn nghe chưa rõ và xem lại ở bản text để làm phong phú thêm vốn từ vựng của mình nhé!

Voice 1 
The third film is about justice. Denise Siwatula is a human rights attorney. She provides legal services for victims of sexual violence. In the DR Congo, some rebel forces have used sexual violence as a weapon of war.  So many women are victims of sexual violence. It is often very difficult to catch the people who sexually attack women. But that does not stop Siwatula.  She works to achieve justice for victims - even though it is not easy. In the I Am Congo film, she explains:
Voice 3 
“If we just sat with crossed arms and did nothing, what would happen then? Even if we do face some difficulties, we hold on to the hope that… one day, maybe, this situation will improve.”
Voice 1 
The fourth film is about conservation or caring for the environment. This is what Dominique Bikaba works for. He is a conservationist. He works to keep the natural environment healthy - for animals and the local people. War often destroys large parts of the natural forests. This makes it difficult for the people and animals.  They do not have the resources they need.
Voice 2 
So Bikaba started a large program to grow more trees in the villages. Local people can use these village trees for building and cooking. And this leaves more natural forest for animals to live in.
Voice 1 
The last film is about human rights and education. This is where Fidel Bafilemba is important. Bafilemba is an activist.  He works to improve human rights and education for people in the DR Congo. However, Bafilemba was not always a peaceful activist. He was once a rebel fighter. But he recognized that there was a better way to achieve change. That way is using knowledge.
Voice 2 
One thing Bafilemba decided to do was start a school. This school aims to teach people to think about their world. Bafilemba believes that asking questions is necessary.  But he says this is a new idea for many people in DR Congo. For many years, authorities in DR Congo have trained the people not to ask questions. In the film, he says,
Voice 4 
“The Congolese have never been taught to question anything. If you questioned what leaders said… you were taken to prison! That was crime. So we are going to try to change that process. There is disorder in this country. But there is also hope. Hope for a better future. A hope for educated people.”

Voice 1 
Robert Padavick is the director of the I Am Congo films. He told Ebony news,
Voice 5
“We hope the films help people remember that eastern Congo is not just home to the deadliest war in the world. That is not the whole story. It is a complex place, where natural beauty meets with decay and humanity lives among war.”
Voice 1 
The writer and producer of this program was Dianna Anderson. The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen to this program again and read it on the internet at www.radioenglish.net. This program is called “I Am Congo: Stories of Hope.”
Voice 2
You can also leave your comments on our website. And find us on Facebook. Just search for Spotlight Radio. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.
Bài nghe đến đây là hết rồi. Chúc các bạn học vui và đừng quên theo dõi những bài tiếp để ủng hộ chương trình nhé! Cảm ơn các bạn! See you later!

Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

Global Peace Index - Phần 1

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

Global Peace Index - Phần 2

Chủ đề bài học  Global Peace Index vẫn đang tiếp tục ngay sau đây. Chúng ta cùng theo dõi luôn nhé! 

Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

Making Things Again - Phần 1

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

Never Alone: A Cultural Video Game - Phần 1

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Giọng đọc: Diệu Hoa

Teaching in Tents - Phần 2

Chủ đề bài học Teaching in Tents vẫn đang tiếp tục ngay sau đây. Chúng ta cùng theo dõi luôn nhé! 


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